Marigold, Diseases, Pests and Treatment

Marigold, Diseases, Pests and Treatment

Introduction: Mary Gold is also called Gul-e-Ashrafi. It is one of the oldest flowers. It is easy to cultivate. It is a hardy annual plant. Its flowers bloom throughout the summer and are less likely to be attacked by insects and diseases.

Height of Marigold Plant: Different types of plants have different heights. It ranges in height from 6 inches to 3 feet.

 Flower color: Marigold flowers are yellow, golden and orange in color. Some new varieties have striped, bi-colored or creamy white flowers.

Flower size: Marigold flower is about the size of a Daisy (Chrysanthemum) flower.

Types of flowers: There are two major types of flower grown in homes and gardens.

1.      French Marigold (Tagetes Patula)    2. African Marigold (Tagetes Erecta)

French Marigold: French Marigold flowers are small, up to 2 inches in size. The plant is shrub-like and only one flower blooms on each branch. The French Marigold plant grows to a height of 6 to 18 inches. It does not need any support in hurricane/wind than African Marigold.

African Marigold: African Marigold flowers are large and double in size and bloom two flowers on each twig. They bloom from mid-summer until the onset of severe cold. The African Marigold plant grows up to 3 feet in height. African Marigold is also commonly called American Marigold.

Single and Double Flowers: Marigold flowers are single and double. Single means that only one flower blooms on each twig and double means that two flowers bloom on each twig.

Single-Flower Varieties: Lemon Queen, Orange King and Radio are Single Flower Varieties.

Double-Flower Variety: There is only one double-flower variety that is called New Art Shade.

Effect of Temperature on Marigold Flowers: When temperature rises, the double-flowered variety stops flowering. In fact, it is a cold weather plant, so it stops flowering at very high temperatures.

Flower Plucking: Flower plucking should be done before the end of the flowering age, i.e. before withering, because if it is delayed and the flower petals start to wither, the disadvantage is that either plants produce single and small flowers or stop to produce flowers. However, withered flowers should be plucked immediately as it is necessary to separate the withered flowers from the plant in order to bring continuous flowering on the plant.

Age of Marigold Flowers in the Vase: The age in the vase of Marigold flowers is 6 to 10 days. Half-open buds are broken off to increase the lifespan of the flower in the vase.

Plant color: Marigold plants are dark green in color and have a strong aroma.

Methods to Grow Marigold Plants: There are two methods to grow Marigold Plants. The first method is to prepare seedlings (Paneeri) by sowing its seeds and then transplant the seedlings in beds or pots. The other method is to buy seedlings from a nursery and transplant it in beds or pots.

Planting Season of Marigold: Marigold seeds are sown in September, October or late Spring, i.e. March and April. The seeds start to germinate in about seven to ten days. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 21 oC. About ten days after seed germination, the seedlings are transplanted in beds or pots.

Distance between Plants in Beds: French Marigold plants are planted at the distance of 8 to 10 inches and African Marigold plants are planted at the distance of 12 to 16 inches.

Need of Water for Marigold Plants: When seedlings are transplanted in beds or pots, they need to be watered regularly. Moisture should be present in the soil for the first two weeks after the transplantation of seedlings so that the plants can take roots. This should be followed by about an inch of water at weekly intervals. If the bed soil looks dry before a week, then it can be watered before a week.

Pinching (Toak) of Marigold Plants: When Marigold plants get a little bigger, their shoots are pinched so that more branches come on the plants.

Need of Support for Marigold Plants: African marigold plants need support to protect them from falling during storms and hurricanes because they can grow up to 3 feet in height but French Marigold plants do not need any support.

Diseases and Pests Attack on Marigold Plants: Marigold plants are attacked by Aphidoidea(Tela) which makes the plant ugly. Spider mites, slugs, leaf miners, aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and caterpillars can also damage plants in hot dry weather. There is also an attack of fungi, grey mold and viral diseases. Viral diseases are caused by whiteflies, thrips and aphids.

Treatment: Infected plants should be sprayed with Nogas and Melathian.

 Ray Blight: This disease is caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella Ligulicola

Due to the initial stage infection, the buds can be misshaped and flowers are damaged.

Treatment: The following medicines are effective for spraying leaves

Tiger Brand Daconil Concentrate

Bonide Mancozeb Flowable with Zinc Concentrate

Compiled By : Ikram Saeed

WhatsApp : +92-348-1633298

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