Corn Cultivation/Farming in Pakistan, Pests, Diseases and Treatments

Corn Cultivation/Farming in Pakistan, Pests, Diseases and Treatments

Introduction: Maize is a large grain plant that was grown in Mexico about 8,000 years ago. Corn is called the queen of grains because its productivity is higher than other grains.

 Maize Cultivation Areas in Pakistan: Maize can be grown in most parts of the country.

Yielding Period of Maize Crop: Yielding period of maize crop is 60 to 65 days.

Types of Corn: There are following major types of corn.

1. Dent Corn, 2. Flour-corn, 3. Pop-corn, 4. Sweet-corn

The Nutritional Value of Corn: Maize is a popular fodder for cattle and an important ingredient of poultry feed. As green stems and grains of the corn plant are highly rich in carbohydrates, so its plants and grains are very useful for cattle and poultry. Crops grown from hybrid maize seeds cannot be used as fodder because of little height and less nutritional value of these plants.

Suitable Soil for Maize Crop: Maize can be grown in about all types of Fertile soils with good drainage. High salinity and water logging is harmful at the seed sowing stage. Having salinity or moisture for 3 consecutive days reduces the yield by 40 to 45%. Soil pH should be 5.5 to 8 for better production of maize.

Suitable Temperature for Corn Seed Germination: The ideal temperature for corn seed germination is 21 to 32 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher than 35 degrees Celsius, the pollen grains on Tassels or male flowers are reduced and if it is less than 15 degrees Celsius, the female and male parts are produced late.

Distance between Plants and Rows: The distance between plants should be 6 inches for early planting of hybrid maize and 8 to 10 inches for late planting. The distance between the rows should be about 30 inches or 1 foot.

1) For Autumn and Spring corn, give the distance of 20 cm between plants and 60 cm between rows.

2) For Sweet corn, give the distance of 20 cm between plants and 60 cm between rows.

3) For Baby corn, give the spacing of 20 cm between plants and 60 cm between rows.

4) For Popcorn, give the spacing of 15 cm between plants and 50 cm between rows.

5) For Fodder corn, give the distance of 10 cm between plants and 30 cm between rows.

 Seed Depth for Maize Cultivation: For Autumn and Spring maize cultivation sow seeds 3 to 4 cm deep.

Intercropping: Intercropping means growing a crop between the rows of another crop. Peas can be grown in the corn crop. For this purpose, grow a row of pea plants after every two rows of corn plants. If maize crop is grown in Sugarcane field then after each two rows of sugarcane, grow one row of corn plants.

Protection of Maize Seeds before Sowing: Use the following chemicals to protect maize seeds from insect infestation as well as from fungal diseases.

1. Apply Carbendazim or Thiram at the rate of 2 grams per kg of seed. After applying the chemical, keep the seeds in a shady dry place for 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Apply Amidacloprid 70 WS 5 ml per kg.

3. Apply Carbendazim + Captan (1: 1) at the rate of 2 grams per kilogram.

Water Requirement for Maize Crop: In rainfall areas, maize needs 500 to 750 mm of water for better growth and development. Give the first irrigation 3 weeks after sowing. After that, water the crop as per requirement. Keep in mind that after irrigation, the water should not stand in the field for a long time otherwise the plants will die. Water the corn crop after every 10 to 15 days. The maize crop needs to be irrigated 6 to 10 times. It depends on the climate, the type of soil and the method of sowing the seeds.

Soil Preparation for Cultivation of Maize Crop: After rain or irrigation, plough the land 2 to 3 times 20 to 25 cm deep to soften the soil and turn it over.

Sowing Methods of Maize: In Pakistan, Maize is usually sown by scattering seeds with hand. The second method is to sow the seeds with a seed drill. Seed drill is used by tractor and with its help wide area can be sown in short time. In this method the distance between two ridges is given 27 cm. The distance between the plants is 20 to 25 cm and the distance between the rows is 75 cm.

 Number of Maize Plants Per Acre: The number of maize plants per acre is 33 to 35 thousand.

 Maize Sowing Times: Maize Planting Time: Spring maize is sown from the first week of January to the first week of March and the crop ripens in 50 to 60 days. Its yield is 100 to 120 maund per acre.

Autumn maize is grown from the last week of July to mid-August and takes more than 60 days to ripen. Its yield is 60 to 80 maund per acre.

 Seed Rate: Maize Seed rate for grains is 10 to 12 kg per acre while seed rate for fodder is 40 to 50 kg per acre. However, seed rates per acre may be increased to obtain thin-stemmed crop which is more popular as fodder.

Seed Protection before Sowing: Before sowing the maize seed, apply Tilsa or any of the fungicides to protect it from Shoot Fly and other pests after seed germination.

Maize Varieties in Pakistan: The following varieties of maize are cultivated in Pakistan.

Neelam, Akbar, Sultan, Sargodha 2002, Sahiwal 2002, Sadaf

Out of these, Sargodha 2002 is a new variety that remains green longer in the field and its yield is 50 maund per acre that is more than other varieties.

In addition to, there are the following hybrid varieties of maize in Pakistan.

P.1543, P.1574, DEKALB-6724, and H-421, H-810

Nutrients Required for Maize Crop: Nutrients required for maize crop are  Nitrogen 250 kg, Phosphorus 150 kg and Potassium 100 kg per acre.

Fertilizer Rate Per Acre For Maize Crop:. Use 2 bags of DAP (Phosphorus fertilizer) and 1 bag of Potash (Potassium fertilizer) at sowing time only. Use 3 to 4 bags of Urea (Nitrogen fertilizer). Use half of the total amount of Urea i.e. 125 kg at sowing time and use the remaining half twice. Use the first half when the crop is knee-height and the second half when plants begin to produce Tassels.

Essential Nutrients for Hybrid Maize Crop:

Nitrogen: 160 kg per acre

Phosphorus: 80 kg per acre

Potassium: 60 kg per acre

Fertilizer Rate Per Acre for Hybrid Maize Crop: Use 3.5 bags of DAP fertilizer  and 2.5 bags of Potash per acre at the time of sowing seeds.

Use total 6.5 bags of Urea fertilizer per acre. Out of 6.5 bags use 2 bags at the time of sowing, 1.5 bags when 3 to 4 leaves emerge, 1.5 bags when the height of the plants is equal to the knees and 1.5 bags before flowering.

Before fertilizing the maize crop, get the soil tested and according to the test results, use the nutrient which is deficient in the soil.

Weed Control in Maize Crop: Weeds are a major problem in maize crop. It is estimated that herbs destroy 20 to 50 percent of the crop, so eradication of weeds is essential for good yields. They can be uprooted by hand or destroyed using chemicals. If the area is small, they can be uprooted by hand, but if the area is large, then spray the following chemicals.

Mix 350 ml Atrazine in 200 liters of water per acre and spray the crop. To control the weeds before they grow, spray 800 ml Prime Extra Gold in 200 liters of water per acre.

Corn Crop Pests and Treatment

Stem Borer: Immediately after seed germination, the corn crop is most at risk from stem borers. This worm makes a hole in the trunk. This pest infestation alone reduces the average crop yield by 10 to 30%. This loss can be as much as 50% in early sown crops.

In addition, the maize crop is attacked by Shoot Flies and Army worms. The Shoot Fly damages the new branches of the plant, which stops the growth of the plant. Army Worm larvae attack the leaves and make holes in them.

Treatment: To control these two types of pests, use Furadan granular or powder at the rate of 20 kg / acre and then water the crop. It should be used twice. The first application should be done when 3 to 4 leaves of the plants come out and the second application should be done when the height of the plants is equal to the knees.

Diseases of Maize Crop and Treatments

The following are the major diseases of the maize crop.

Maize Stalk Rot: Maize Stalk Rot is a dangerous disease that causes economic loss. The only way to prevent this is to cultivate the better varieties.

Leaf Blight: This disease affects the lower leaves of the plant while new leaves continue to emerge in the upper part. In this disease, the plants become weak and if more leaves are infested, the yield is reduced.

Treatment: The treatment for both diseases is to apply Fungicide, Vitavex or Benlate before sowing the seeds.

Maize Harvesting: If maize is grown for fodder, start harvesting when the crop produces 50% flowering. And if it is sown for grain, the crop ripens in 55 to 65 days.

Maize Crop Yield Per Acre: Maize crop yield depends on its variety and crop care. With better variety and proper care, yield can be achieved up to 500 tons per acre.

Corn Production Storage: After separating the corn kernels from the stalks, fill them in jute gunny bags and store in a cool, ventilated and dry place. Storeroom temperature should be 20 to 25 degree Celsius and humidity ratio should be 30 to 50 percent. Do not put the bags on the clay floor, but on wooden planks or cemented floors.

Complied By : Ikram Saeed

WhatsApp : +92-302-4226053

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