Tunnel Farming


Tunnel Farming

Introduction to Tunnel Farming: Tunnel farming refers to growing seasonal vegetables and strawberries in a controlled environment inside tunnels covered with sheets of polythene (a type of plastic).

 Tunnel Farming in Pakistan: Tunnel farming in Pakistan is generally used to grow summer vegetables in winter. Because summer vegetables cannot be grown in open fields from December to February due to low temperatures and high frosts, they are grown in polythene tunnels. The tunnel provides a suitable environment for plants to grow and produce more. In this sense, tunnel farming is a means of getting higher and faster yields. This fast-growing and quality product gives good returns to the farmers. That is why the educated and progressive farmers of Pakistan are rapidly adopting this modern style of farming.

Tunnel Farming Areas in Pakistan: The climate in Sindh Province is mild so we can grow early summer vegetables in this province but in Punjab and other parts of Pakistan the only way to get off-season summer vegetables is tunnel Farming.

The tunnel used for tunnel farming is similar to a greenhouse, ie a hut-like structure or structure covered with polythene plastic sheet. That's how it works.

Over the past few years, along with summer vegetables, strawberry production in tunnels has also become very popular.

Benefits of Tunnel Farming: The concept of tunnel farming is to increase the yield by increasing the growing season by protecting the crop from various elements and protecting it from the heat of the sun.

 Tunnel farming provides an opportunity to reduce production costs by using less than 40% of water, fertilizer and other sources in controlled conditions.

Tunnel farming can overcome major factors that negatively affect agricultural production, such as water scarcity, low yields per acre and low crop productivity.

Working Principle of Tunnel Farming: Tunnel farming works on the principle of creating the same conditions for growing vegetables in winter as it does in summer. To achieve this goal, the entire farming area is covered with a transparent sheet of polythene. This sheet of polyethylene is applied to the D-shape structure of  bamboo, steel or aluminum. The soil inside the tunnel or the medium in which the plants are being grown is also covered with a black polythene plastic sheet. Small holes are made in this sheet for sowing seeds. During the day, sunlight passes through a transparent polythene sheet and enters the tunnel, then this black sheet lying on the ground or soil absorbs it. This raises the temperature inside the tunnel. In this sense, this black sheet of plastic lying on the ground works.

 1. It absorbs the heat coming into the tunnel.

2. Prevents water loss.

3. It prevents the overgrown herbs from growing and even if they do grow, it prevents them from growing.

Types of Tunnels: There are three types of tunnels.

1. High Tunnels: High tunnels give maximum crop yield due to their width and height. Because they are easy to prepare the soil, spray the crop and pick or pick the fruit. This tunnel is suitable for growing tomatoes, cucumbers and capsicums.

Tunnel Length

Tunnel Width

Tunnel Height


190 Feet

30 Feet

In the middle 10 Feet

and from sides 6.5 Feet  


Polyethylene Plastic Sheet

Thickness: 0.10 mm

Width: 20 feet

Length: as required

Galvanized Pipe

Diameter: 40 mm

Thickness: 1.6mm

Length: 20 to 25 Feet

Structure of High Tunnel

2. Walk-in Tunnels: These are lower in height than high tunnels. These tunnels yield more than low tunnels. These tunnels are suitable for growing tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums and hot peppers.

Structure of Walk-in Tunnel

Tunnel Length

Tunnel Width

Tunnel Height


190 Feet

12 Feet

6 Feet

Polyethene Plastic Sheet

Thickness: 0.5 mm

Width: 20 Feet

Length: 6 Feet as required

Galvanized Pipe

Diameter: 40 mm

Thickness: 1.6mm

Length: 20 to 25 Feet







The number of tunnels per acre will be 12.

3. Low Tunnels: These tunnels are cheaper than high tunnels but also lower crop yields. This type of tunnel makes it difficult to prepare the soil or soil, to spray and to pick or pick fruit. Cucumbers, watermelons, melons and bitter gourds can be grown in this type of tunnel.

Points to Be Remember Before Starting Tunnel Farming:

1. Before starting to grow non-seasonal vegetables in tunnels, the farmer or investor should have knowledge and practical experience in vegetable farming.

2. Before starting tunnel farming, the water and soil of the farming site should be analyzed by a laboratory.

3. Tunnels should be planted with plants that have a self-pollination process.

4. Recommended seed varieties should be used.

5. In order to make more profit, the farmer must know the market demand and prices.

Objectives of  Tunnel Farming: The objectives of tunnel farming are as follows.

Maximum cultivation  per unit area

2. Achieving maximum productivity

3. Achieving  production according to market demand

4. Reducing environmental hazards.

5. Increasing the life cycle and productivity of plants

6. Promote vertical cultivation to improve the quality and increase  the quantity of vegetables grown and solve the problem of  lack of space/area.

7. Yield 3 to 5 times higher than in open field

Tips for successful production: Always keep the tunnel facing east to west to keep the temperature inside the tunnel better.

Always use good and quality seeds.

Use seeds of Parthinocarpic variety for cucumber.

Use seeds of Indeterminate variety for tomato cultivation.

Use fertile soil and maintain it throughout the season.

Always grow more profitable vegetables according to the market survey.

Protect cucumber seeds from pests until they germinate.

Water your tunnel farm in the morning and evening, or according to expert advice on plant growth or weather conditions.

All plants should be supported by ropes.

Leave three nodes in the branches of the plants and keep pruning them.

Minimize the use of natural fertilizers for cucumbers over capsicum and tomato crops.

Use low cost drip irrigation to water and fertilize the plants.

Use black mulch on crop/cultivated  land to prevent weeds from growing.

Use appropriate pesticides and fungicides at the right time to control insects and fungi.

Smoking inside the tunnel is strictly forbidden as it can lead to the rapid spread of viral diseases throughout the tunnel.

The Temperature Required for Better growth of  Vegetables in Tunnel

Required Temperature


S. No.

21 oC to 24 oC

21 oC to 24 oC

18 oC to 24 oC

21 oC to 29 oC

21 oC to 29 oC

18 oC to 24 oC

18 oC to 24 oC

18 oC to 24 oC

18 oC to 24 oC


Sweet Pepper


Bitter Gourd




Snake Gourd

Chapni Tenday











Sowing Season of Selected Vegetables in Tunnel

Time to Sow Seeds Without Seedlings

From 10th  November 20th November

From 10th  November 20th November

From 15th  October 311st October

After Mid-January


After Mid-January

After Mid-January

After Mid-January

From 10th  November 20th November

Time to Transplant the Seedlings

From 1st  November 15th November

From 1st  November 15th November



From 1st  November 15th November





Time to Sow Seeds for Seedlings

From 1st  October 15th October

From 1st  October 15th October



From 1st  October 15th October







Sweet Peppper


Bitter Gourd




Snake  Gourd

Chapni Tinda

The Distance Between Plants and the Rows in the Tunnel

The Distance Between Rows

The Distance Between Plants


100 cm

150 cm

100 cm

200 cm

75 cm

300 cm

300 cm

300 cm

200 cm

30 cm

50 cm

30 cm

30 cm

30 cm

50 cm

50 cm

50 cm

45 cm


Sweet Peppper


Bitter Gourd




Snake Gourd

Chapni tande

Compiled  By: Ikram Saeed

WhatsApp:   +923481633298

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